Dave Clarke houdt het op techno

Dave Clarke heeft in een interview met Skruff maar weer eens gezegd waar het op staat. Naar aanleiding van zijn compilatiealbum 'I Love Techno' betuigt hij zijn liefde voor het genre.
"I love techno because it's honest and challenging, it has an energy within it that excites me if done properly, DJing with it is also fun and busy, I would be bored if I played six to eight tracks an hour like trance, progressive or minimal DJs do.. I would feel I was cheating the people and not earning my money and subsequently not challenging myself, I have said many times before but I'll say it again; trance is like eating out and getting a big Mac; it's for nonces and minimal generally doesn't interest me as I don't do coke or ketamine."

Er was tot voor kort weinig voor nodig om Dave aan het janken te krijgen, zo blijkt: "I used to cry a lot a few years back, but that was due to some exceptionally heavy emotional experiences including the death of three important figures in my life. Looking back, I've realised I was very unbalanced at the time, crying at stupid things like good food, some lyrics, even a hot bath! Luckily some friends helped me get my shit together and my life today is one hell of a lot better and more balanced. Though I can still metaphorically cry when I hear a shite DJ; that can be so painful."

Op de tiende november draait Dave op I Love Techno in België. Zijn album ‘Dave Clarke- I Love Techno' (zijn tweede uit de serie) komt deze maand uit.

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